The urgency to curb the effects of global warming has never been more apparent. Over the years, there has been a rise of at least 2.7 degrees Celsius in the earth’s temperature, which has significantly impacted the social, economic, and other catastrophic social impacts. The ITC sector plays a significant role in building sustainable choices in diminishing the effects of global warming. Although they account for only 1.4% of global gas emissions, they can reduce the overall emissions by 15% by 2030. They can also indirectly support another 35% by promoting other sustainable businesses and people.
The latest 5G cellular technology holds immense potential in breaking the historic cycle usage of coal, petroleum, and natural gas, increasing with each generation. In this article, we will discuss Ericsson’s four pillars which increase the energy network performance. They are:
Modernizing the network
One of the best ways to save energy and decrease the damage caused by harmful radio frequency is to modernize the equipment that induces the source. In addition, upgrading the equipment will help decrease the physical footprints, which can significantly further save the energy budget invested in the device and the technology needed to improve the fifth-generation network.
Building 5G technology with precision
One of the best ways to enhance the use of technology with precision is to optimize the network performance by using energy-efficient methods. This not only helps in controlling the costs of manufacturing but will also help in reducing carbon footprints. In addition, the automation process will also help reduce deployment costs, thereby reducing the load on the environment and balancing resources.
Activating the energy-saving software
Energy-saving equipment is the key to managing the efficient use of 5G networks. For instance, Vodafone reduced its energy consumption in Portugal but still managed to meet all the performance requirements by putting the networks that received low traffic to sleep. Therefore, the MIMO sleep mode optimization can be applied using the Ericsson principle to this rule. Furthermore, machine learning algorithms can also be used to train the four different weeks of traffic data and rectify and identify their patterns. This technology is already under implementation in many IoT projects like smart cities, smart homes, etc.
Operating site infrastructure intelligently
The full energy-saving potential of a 5G network can be achieved by site infrastructure equipment for passive elements to control things like the antenna, climate, and other security systems. Using the Ai infrastructure can be managed efficiently, which also helps reduce maintenance visits. By applying intelligent site management strategies, people can bring the data together and visualize it by providing access anywhere. This data can be utilized further as a roadmap for all future expansions and a trademark for long-term resource planning.